
The information on this website is for Canadian residents only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy or sell any products or services of any kind, including securities or any other financial instrument to any person residing in the United States of America or any other jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is unlawful.


This Website Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is a summary of the privacy practices and policies of Deans Knight Capital Management Ltd., including its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, “Deans Knight Capital Management Ltd.”, “we”, “us” or “our”), governing this website (“Website”), and is applicable to visitors to this Website. We may from time to time revise this Policy to reflect changes in our practises regarding personal information and post the revised version of the Policy on this Website. Upon posting on this Website, the revised Policy will come into effect.

Personal Information

Personal information means information about an identifiable individual. This does not include information of an aggregate or anonymous nature where a specific individual or individuals cannot be identified, nor does it include business contact information used to contact an individual in their capacity as an employee or official of an organization.


It is our policy to collect, use and disclose personal information only with consent of the individual to whom the personal information pertains; however, we reserve our right to do so without consent where required or permitted by law, such as, for example, in course of an investigation or in relation to a legal proceeding. We do not sell personal information to any third party.

By accessing this Website, you confirm your consent to the contents of this Policy. If you do not agree with the contents of this Policy, or to our collection, use or disclosure of personal information as described in this Policy, you agree to not access this Website.

Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Information

If you choose to voluntarily submit personal information to us by e-mail, online forms or other means, we will consider that you have done so with your consent for purposes reasonably related to your providing the information. If reasonable to do so, or if you request ongoing provision of information, after our initial response, we may communicate further with you with information that may be useful, but we will include instructions on how to terminate receiving such further information.

We may share your personal information with our employees or contractors if reasonable to do so having regard to the purposes for which you have provided us with your information. It is important that any information you provide to us is up to date and accurate; therefore, if you have provided personal information to us, we request that you keep us informed of any changes to your personal information.

Resumes submitted may be reviewed for purposes of consideration of the individual submitting the resume for employment. We accept no obligation to review any resume or reply to any person submitting a resume but may do so if we wish to pursue or consider the possibility of entering into an employment relationship. Resumes received are retained for a reasonable period of time, with consideration given to how long a resume should be retained as a position not open at the time the resume was received may become open subsequently, so resumes may be kept on file with potential employment in mind. We may also retain a resume for as long as required for reasonable legal purposes. When no longer required for reasonable business or legal purposes, resumes will be securely destroyed. For further information you may contact us as provided in this Policy.

Privacy and E-mail Communication with Deans Knight Capital Management Ltd.

We may have in force acceptable use policies with respect to our computers, systems and e-mail received by and sent from Deans Knight Capital Management Ltd.. In order to enforce such policies, we reserve the right, but not the obligation, to intercept and review the contents of e-mail, including any personal information provided by the recipients, authors or originators of e-mail messages. Users of our systems and computers have no expectation of privacy and, by using e-mail as a means of communication with us, you consent to such interception and monitoring.

Access to Information

You may have your contact information removed at any time by asking us to do so from any records or lists which we may use to correspond with you. You may refuse to provide personal information to us. You may also withdraw any consent you have given us at any time, subject to applicable legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. We will advise you of the effect of your withdrawal of any consent you have provided.

You may also ask us about your personal information and notify us of any corrections that may be necessary. We will reply to your request for access to your information in writing. If you wish to have access to any personal information about you that Deans Knight Capital Management Ltd. may have, please send us an e-mail at info@deansknight.com, and we will reply with details of how to make such a request.

We do not provide access to personal information by e-mail as, in order to ensure adequate security and confidentiality, we need to verify your identity before granting you access to your information. Your right to access is not absolute and, if we do not provide you will full access to your information, we will advise of what we are not granting and the reasons for that.

Third Party and Other Websites

Please note that the Website may contain links to other websites which are provided as a convenience for visitors to our website only. Any third party websites will have their own privacy policies and practices, and we cannot be responsible for such third parties or their websites.

Further Information

For further information with respect to our privacy practices, or with respect to inquiries concerning personal information about you in our custody or control, or to update or correct your information, you may contact us at info@deansknight.com.